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Open MRI

Hitachi Airis II

Hitachi Airis II combines the unmatched comfort of Hitachi’s unique award-wining open-air gantry with the clinical capabilities that rival those of many high-field closed type systems.
Hitachi Airis II provides an exceptional offering of advanced procedures for mid-field Open MR. Higher Order Active Shim Technology and Powerful Gradients provide sub-millimeter resolution and superb images. Scalable Dual Quad RF System and Driven Equilibrium FSE/FIR allow for reduced study times and increased patient throughput without sacrificing detail.All of these provide you the greatest level of diagnostic confidence while they provide our patients with the greatest level of comfort and reassurance. The innovative open-air gantry design of the Hitachi Airis II provides the opportunity to constantly and directly attend to pediatric patients as well as accommodate the most demanding cases such as anxious, claustrophobic, and large patients. Overall the Airis design provides easy operator access and reassurance to the patient.

Hitachi_Airis-Open MRI
Open MRI and 3T High Field MRI


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